Face & body solutions
SLMC Laser clinic offers a wide range of industry-leading aesthetic solutions, from hair removal and body sculpting to women’s wellness. These products are a result of visionary mindset that’s dedicated to benefiting your treatment strategies.
Cutera AviClear™
The first and original FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild to severe acne. AviClear’s 1726 nm wavelength treats acne at the source by selectively targeting and suppressing the sebaceous gland safely and effectively. Designed with patient comfort in mind, AviClear is enhanced with AviCoolTM contact cooling for an optimal and safe treatment experience.
Cutera XEO™
Solution for skin revitalization and resurfacing, pigmented lesions, vascular lesions, hair removal. A customizable, multi-application laser + light based platform designed to treat the widest range of today’s most common nonsurgical aesthetic concerns.
Cutera Titan™
There is a big demand for a non-surgical facelift procedure to treat facial laxity and tighten loose skin, Cutera Titan Laser is your ideal and most effective, painless, non- surgical solution for loose skin without surgery or injections.
The Cutera Titan gives you an all-natural option with the goal of tightening facial laxity and stimulating collagen growth and can be used on all skin types.
EM Sculpt™
- WORLD′S 1ST & ONLY: Emsculpt® is the first ever body sculpting and muscle building device
- Completely non-invasive Emsculpt® requires no injections, no surgery, and no anesthesia
- No pain or recovery time: Emsculpt® feels equivalent to an intense workout, so there is no downtime
- Clinically tested: Emsculpt® is FDA Cleared and backed by 7 independent clinical studies
- No exercise or gym: 1 Emsculpt® treatment equals 20,000 crunches or squats
Coolshaping is a noninvasive procedure designed to reduce isolated fatty deposits along the abdomen, lower back, thighs, and arms. Using Cryolipolysis, an intense cool temperature is applied to the target area. As the fat cells are damaged, they dissolve, and are then safely removed by the body.
HydraFacial MD®
HydraFacial is a skin health treatment that uses leading-edge medical technology to deliver non-invasive skin resurfacing. It is quick, comfortable and effective, and you will leave the clinic with glowing skin.